Never Judge By Appearance
- Appearance is not the person. A person is much more than the appearance of them.
- Most of the cases, the invisible side is much bigger than the visible side.
- Heart and mind of a person are much more important than face and clothes.
- If you judge others by their appearance, you will never make true friends. They will also judge you by your appearance.
- Your friends will be just a group of people judging each other by appearance.
You Are The Reason
There goes my heart beat and you are the reason
I am losing my sleep. Please, come back now.
There goes my mind arisen and you are the reason
That I’m still breathing. I am hopeless now.
I’ll climb every mountain and swim every ocean
Just to be with you. And fix what I've broken
'Cause I need you to see
You are the reason
You are the reason
You are the reason
The reason I want me tonight
I’ll climb every mountain and swim every ocean
Just to be with you. And fix what I've broken
I’ll climb every mountain and swim every ocean
Just to be with you. And fix what I've broken
Just I need you to see you are the reason.
Judge A: They say that 99% of success is just showing up. But you do so much more than just show up. There’s so much more than your song, your sound, more than a champion of singing and of talent. You’re a champion of life.
Judge B: I could see how harder you’ve been working. There’s a huge difference. And I just love you and I adore you. You’re a survivor. I love you.
Judge C: Ketchi, I have to tell you I’m so excited that I get this chance to see you again and hear you again. You look beautiful. You sounded beautiful. It’s always a joy to see you on this stage.
Judge D: This is the stage that we met you for the first time, and I remember you being very shy. But based on what I have seen tonight, I am going to be honest with you. I’m … I didn’t really like it that much. …. I actually loved it.
You raise me up
- 누가 “무엇을”
- 무엇을 하다
- Cf: make, take, get
- say, think, believe, know
- 무엇 이다
- 어떠 하다
- 무엇을 하다
- 사람들은 그것을 사랑이라고 말한다
- 나는 예수님께서 하나님의 아들이심을 믿는다
- 크리스챤은 하나님이 우주의 창조자이심을 안다
- 그녀는 내가 자기의 은행이라고 생각한다
- 아버지는 내가 아직 어리다고 생각하셨다
- 그녀는 미국이 한국보다 더 좋다고 믿는다
- 한인들은 미국에서 아이들을 교육하는 것이 더 낫다고 말한다
- 그는 그녀의 성격이 좋다는 것을 안다
수고하셨습니다. 화요일에 뵙겠습니다.
저희 교회 예배 등에 대한 정보를 보시려면 여기를 클릭하세요!
2022년 봄학기 개강 안내
리딩 문법 교실 제3강
제19강 강의자료
제18강 강의자료
리딩/문법 강의 제2강
제17강 강의자료
제16강 강의자료
제1강 리딩 문법 강의
제15강 강의자료
제14강 강의자료
제13강 강의자료
블루트리 독해/문법 교실 개강 (칼럼: 애매한 영어실력 어찌하나 (2))
제12강 강의자료
제11강 강의자료
제10강 강의자료
제9강 강의자료
제8강 강의자료
제7강 강의자료
제6강 강의자료
17일 화요일 점심 참석 여부 (뷰포드 올리브 가든)
제5강 강의자료