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2019.10.25 14:32

리딩/문법 강의 제2강

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지난 주 숙제는 아래 리딩/문법 제1강을 참조하세요.




Build Your House On the Rock


24 "Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall because it had been founded on the rock. 26 And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. 27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell and great was the fall of it.” (Matthew 7:24-27. ESV)




  • Vs. 24, 26: Everyone who … will be like a wise man who …. 
    • 뼈대에 살붙이기—관계대명사절
      • Common modifiers
        • 단어: 형용사, 명사
        • 구: 전치사구, 분사구, To-부정사구
        • 절: 관계절 (관계대명사절, 관계부사절)
      • “누가” “무엇이다” 는 뼈대이고, 각 요소에 수식어(modifier)를 이용해 살을 붙임. 
      • “these words of mine”
        • “내 말들 중에서 이 말들”
          • 이 말들 말고도 다른 말들이 있음
        • 의미의 차이
          • She is my wife. vs. She is one of my wives.
      • “like”? — 전치사


  • Vs. 25, 27
    • And
      • 그래서
        • 원인과 결과
        • “The rain fell and the floods came,” “The winds blew and beat on the house”
      • 그리고
        • 같은 것들의 나열
        • “… the floods came, and the winds blew ….”
    • But vs. And
      • But
        • 예상외의 결과 (원인과 결과)
      • And 
        • 예상된 결과 (원인과 결과)
    • “주어+동사”의 어순 변경
      • “Great was the fall of it.”
      • “주어”가 가장 먼저 나와야 한다는 룰이 어겨졌을 때 




답지 다운로드: RG_02 Ans.pdf

  • 지금 수잔과 함께 걷고 있는 남자가 제인이 사랑했던 남자다.
    • Step 1 (뼈대): The man is the man.
    • Step 2 (살붙이기): The man, who is walking with Susan now; the man, (whom) Jane loved.
    • Step 3 (문장완성): The man, who is walking with Susan now, is the man, (whom) Jane loved.
  • 모든 사람과 친구인 사람은 어느 누구와도 깊은 우정을 나누기를 원하지 않는 사람과 같다.
    • Step 1: A man is like a man.
    • Step 2: A man, who is a friend to all; a man, who doesn’t want to share a deep friendship with anyone.
    • Step 3: A man, who is a friend to all, is like a man, who doesn’t want to share a deep friendship with anyone.
  • 가을이 올 때 나뭇잎이 붉게 물들고 나뭇잎 모양이 아기 손바닥 같은 나무가 내 아내가 가장 좋아하는 마당에 심고 싶어하는 식물이다.
    • Step 1: The tree is the plant.
    • Step 2: The tree, whose leaves get red when fall comes and are like a palm of a baby; the plant, which my wife likes the most and wants to have in the garden. 
    • Step 3: The tree, whose leaves get red when fall comes and are like a palm of a baby is the plant, which my wife likes the most and wants to have in the garden.
  • 날씨가 좋아서 기분이 좋았고, 커피를 마셔서 약간 흥분이 되어서, 그의 입에서는 자기도 모르게 노래가 흘러 나왔다.
    • Step 1: It was nice. He was excited a little bit after he drank coffee. He sang a song unknowingly.
    • Step 2: He sang a song unknowingly because it was nice and he was excited a little bit after he drank coffee (=because of caffein).
  • 엎친 데 덮친 격으로 직장을 잃어서 경제적인 능력이 없어졌지만 그는 새로운 컴퓨터를 사서 유튜브 방송을 시작했는데, 잘 되는 바람에 모든 문제가 해결되었다. 
    • Step 1: To make it worse. He lost financial ability because he lost the job. He bought a computer. He started a Youtube channel. All problems were resolved. It was successful.
    • Step 2: He bought a computer and started a Youtube channel even though he lost financial ability because he lost the job, but all problems were resolved because the channel became successful.
  • 마리아는 요셉과 약혼을 했었지만 남자를 알지 못한 여자였는데 임신을 하게 되었습니다. 상식적으로 이해할 수 없는 임신을 했음을 안 마리아가 얼마나 당황했을지 상상하기도 힘들지 않습니다. 특히, 간음한 여인들을 돌로 쳐죽이는 성적부도덕을 엄격히 다스리는 모세의 율법에 의해 규율되던 당시의 이스라엘에서 그런 일이 일어났으니 더욱 그러했을 것입니다. 천사 가브리엘이 마리아에게 나타나서 미리 알려주었다고 하더라도, 그 당황스러움이 없을 수 없었을 것입니다.
    • 마리아는 요셉과 약혼을 했었지만 남자를 알지 못한 여자였는데 임신을 하게 되었습니다.
      • Maria became pregnant even though she didn’t know a man even after she was engaged with Joseph. 
    • 상식적으로 이해할 수 없는 임신을 했음을 안 마리아가 얼마나 당황했을지 상상하기 힘들지 않습니다.
      • It is not difficult to imagine how Maria was embarrassed when she got to know she became pregnant which was not understandable by commonsense.      
    • 특히, 간음한 여인들을 돌로 쳐죽이는 성적부도덕을 엄격히 다스리는 모세의 율법에 의해 규율되던 당시의 이스라엘에서 그런 일이 일어났으니 더욱 그러했을 것입니다.
      • Especially, it must be so the more because it happened in a society ruled by the law of Moses which regulated the sexual immorality with stoning prostituting women to death.
    • 천사 가브리엘이 마리아에게 나타나서 미리 알려주었다고 하더라도, 그 당황스러움이 없을 수 없었을 것입니다.
      • She could not help being embarrassed even though angel Gabriel appeared to her and told it to her ahead of time. 
    • ​전체: Maria became pregnant even though she didn’t know a man even after she was engaged with Joseph. It is not difficult to imagine how Maria was embarrassed when she got to know she became pregnant which was not understandable by commonsense. Especially, it must be so the more because it happened in a society ruled by the law of Moses which regulated the sexual immorality with stoning prostituting women to death. She could not help being embarrassed even though angel Gabriel appeared to her and told it to her ahead of time.


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