- 종강파티 및 Korean Friends Day
- 12월 14일 오후 3-5시
- 저희와 면담을 계속 진행하고 있습니다
노래가사 및 해석 다운받기: Three times a lady.pdf
Thanks for the times that you've given me
The memories are all in my mind
당신이 내게 주신 지난 시간, 감사합니다.
그 시간 속의 추억들이 모두 생각납니다.
And now that we've come
To the end of our rainbow
There's something I must say out loud!
‘정말 우리가 해낼 수 있을까?’ 하고 생각했던
그 일들을 다 이룬 지금
내가 자랑스럽게, 분명하게 말해야만 하는 것이 있다오.
You’re once, twice
Three times a lady
And I love you
Yes, you’re once, twice
Three times a lady
And I love you!
당신은 한 사람, 두 사람, 세 사람의 몫을 감당해 주었소
그래서 당신을 사랑하오.
그렇소, 당신은 한 사람, 두 사람, 세 사람의 몫을 감당해 주었소
그래서 당신을 사랑하오.
You shared my dreams, my joys, my pains
You made my life worth living for
And if I had to live my life over again, dear,
I’d spend each and every moment with you
당신은 나의 꿈과, 기쁨과, 고통을 함께 했고
당신이 내 인생을 살 만한 것으로 만들어 주었소
그래서, 여보, 만일 내가 내 삶을 처음부터 다시 살아야 한다면
나는 모든 순간들을 남김없이 당신과 함께 할 것이오
When we are together
The moments I cherish
With every beat of my heart
To touch you, to hold you
To feel you, to need you
There's nothing to keep us apart
당신을 만질 때, 당신을 안을 때,
당신을 느낄 때, 그리고 당신을 원할 때
우리가 함께 하는
가슴두근거리는 모든 순간들을
소중히 내 마음에 담는다오
당신과 나를 갈라놓을 것은 아무 것도 없소
* 강의에서 한 표현과 다를 수 있습니다.
미국인 이웃을 만나다
- 안녕하세요?
- How are you?
- 오늘 날씨가 좋네요.
- It's nice. It's a beautiful/wonderful day.
- 전에도 여기서 본적이 있어요.
- I saw you before.
- 제 이름은 000 입니다.
- My name is ....
- 이름을 물어봐도 될까요?
- May I ask your name?
- 저는 이곳에서 걷는 것을 좋아해요.
- I like/love walking here.
- 저는 거의 매일 와요.
- I walk/come here almost everyday.
- 주로 언제 오세요?
- How about you? (자기 말을 한 후에 물어보는 말). When do you come here usually?
- 저는 저기 저 아파트에 살고 있어요.
- I live in the apartment (way) over there.
- 이 근처에 사세요?
- Do you live around/near here?
- 저는 10년째 살고 있어요.
- It's ten years. I've been living here 10 years.
- 얼마나 되셨어요?
- How long have you been living in this area?
- 저는 이 동네가 좋아요.
- I like it here. I like this area/neighborhood/subdivision.
- 이 동네는 공기가 좋아요.
- The air is fresh in this area.
- 아이들도 좋아해요.
- My children like it here.
- 아이들 학교가 좋아요.
- The school system is good. The schools are good.
- 저는 고등학교 2학년 아들과 중학교 3학년 딸이 있어요.
- I have a son, a sophomore in high school, and a daughter, a third-grader in middle school.
- 아이들 있으세요?
- Do you have children?
- 학생인가요?
- Are they going to school?
- 무슨 학교 다니나요?
- Which school? What school?
- 저의 딸과 알 수도 있겠네요.
- Your daughter may know my daughter.
- 제 딸과 당신 딸을 함께 놀게 해 줄까요?
- Why don’t we let them play together sometime?
- Why don't we let your daughter and mine ...?
- 제 전화 번호예요.
- This is my number.
- 전화 주세요.
- Please, give me a call, if you would/when you are convenient/at your convenience.
- Give me a call if you would.
- I will be waiting for your call.
- 언젠가 만나서 더 얘기 나누어요.
- I hope we can meet and talk again.
- 딸들도 만나게 해 주고요.
- Let's our daughters meet each other.
- 만나서 반가웠어요.
- It was great/nice to meet you.
- I was glad to meet you.
- 조만간 또 만나요.
- See you again soon.
- I hope we meet again soon.
리스닝 원고 다운받기: too quick to judge.pdf
- A man was waiting at an airport for a long-distance flight.
- His flight was delayed and so he had a little spare time.
- He saw a deal on some cookies and thought he should treat himself.
- He bought quite a few cookies because he thought it might be quite a long delay.
- He took a seat near a man and started to read the magazine he also picked up earlier.
- He exchanged a glance with the other man and then tried to avoid eye contact, as he went back to reading.
- While he was engrossed in his magazine, he happened to see that the man sitting beside him boldly grabbed a cookie from the container.
- He initially ignored the incident, to avoid a scene.
- He grabbed a cookie himself and went back to his magazine.
- But the man seemed to have enjoyed the cookie so much. He took another one and started eating it too.
- This continued for a while and with each passing moment, he began to get more and more irritated.
- Every time he took a cookie, so did the other man.
- When the last cookie was left the man nervously took that cookie and broke it in half.
- He offered the other to the man and smiled.
- The man took the cookie and could not believe the other man's nerve.
- He was thinking in his head, “How long ungrateful could that man be?”
- The other man then left and took the container with him.
- This guy couldn't believe what had just happened.
- He was relieved when his flight was called.
- He gathered his belongings. As he lifted his bag, he saw that there was a full container of cookies, right there.
- He was totally shocked, totally surprised.
- It caught him off guard.
- He thought to himself, “If my cookies are here, then wait, those cookies were his.”
- The other man had shared his cookies, but he was thinking he was the one doing the sharing.
- But he was angry and irritated, the other man was being generous and kind.
- He felt so bad for what had happened, but he couldn't find the other man, anywhere, and didn't know how to apologize.
- Things are not always as they appear.
- Sometimes we make quick assumptions about people's circumstances and situations.
- We judge them, label them, and put them into a box, not recognizing that there is a much bigger picture.
- Sometimes we meet someone in a particular state, stage, or phase of their life and stereotype them to be a certain way.
- Don't be so quick to judge.
- You never know when you might find yourself walking in someone else's shoes.
- And remember, the best apology is changed behavior.
참고로, 제 홈페이지(koreancoc.com)를 소개해 드리겠습니다.
최신: 업데이트 되는 것들을 모아둔 것입니다.
정보: 제가 일하는 교회 소개, 저 자신 소개, 제 설교/강해, 예배/성경공부 안내, 교회란 무엇인가에 관한 저의 글들.
글: 제 간증집--반추, 신앙칼럼, 등이 있습니다. 블로그는 여기에 있는 글들과 상당부분 중복됩니다.
서비스: 노인/장애인 및 청소년 가정 서비스가 있습니다.
많은 이용바랍니다.
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