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2019.09.18 23:01

제7강 강의자료

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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 첨부


안녕하세요? 오늘 아침 마음이 동해서 글을 하나 적어봤습니다.^^


A Small Rock   작은 돌 하나          

A small rock changes the stream. 작은 돌 하나가 물길을 바꿉니다. 

One day as I was young, I threw a rock in the stream in front of my house. 어릴 적 집앞 또랑에 무심코 주먹만한 돌을 던졌습니다. 
The next day coming back from school, I was surprised to see that the stream was changed. The water flowing around the rock made the change of the stream. 다음날 학교에서 돌아오면서 보니, 그 돌을 돌아가는 물 때문에 물길이 바뀌어 있었습니다. 

Likewise, a small rock changes the stream. 작은 돌하나가 물길을 바꿉니다.
Without the stone, the change doesn’t happen. 그 작은 돌이 없었다면 그 또랑은 그런 모양이 되지 않았을 것입니다. 
 As long as the rock is there, the flow changes little by little. 그 돌을 치우지 않는 그 물길은 계속해서 조금씩 조금씩 바뀌어 나갈 것입니다. 

God threw a small rock into your life. 당신의 삶에 하나님께서 작은 돌을 던지셨습니다. 
It's my class and me. 바로 저와 저의 영어교실을 만난 것입니다. 
From now on, your life will change. 당신의 삶은 이제 조금씩 조금씩 바뀌어 가고 있습니다. 
The change will continue unless you put the rock away out of your life. 저와 영어교실을 들어 내버리지 않으시는 한 계속해서 조금씩 조금씩 당신의 삶은 바뀌어 갈 것입니다. 

Your life will change according to the positive and hopeful energy I am passing to you from God. 제가 하나님으로부터 전해 드리는 긍정적이고 낙천적인 에너지를 따라서요. 
Thank you for allowing me to be a small rock in your life. Minku Chang. 저를 당신의 삶 안에 놓아 주셔서 감사합니다. 장민구 올림.



공지사항 듣기

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Prayer 듣기

  • Dear heavenly Father.
  • I feel so grateful and joyful this morning. You gave me another day, and I will start everything anew. Thank you for the second chance. My heart is full of hope. 
  • I made many mistakes, but I can correct them. I was disappointed by adverse reactions, but I can let it go. And I was frustrated by unexpected outcomes, but I can start again.  
  • Please, help me hold on to hope in you. Please, give me the strength to overcome depression. And please, help me see by faith the bright future.
  • Thank you for letting me come out to the class and get this message. Thanks for the class, the teacher, and the church.
  • In Jesus’ name (Amen).

Encouragement 듣기

  • Be far-sighted but not near-sighted. 
  • Be wise but not foolish. Life is a marathon; it is not a splint.
  • No one wants to live only today and die tomorrow.
  • But tomorrow's happiness doesn't come without today's investment.
  • You have invested everything in your life for your children's happiness.
  • Now, love yourself as your children. 
  • Now invest today for your happiness tomorrow. Endure hardship this year for a better life next year. Overcome the temptations now to get the pleasure that is waiting for you as a reward in the future. Never give up on earth; you will award the crown of life in heaven.
  • The Creator and Rewarder of life is always watching on you with stretched arms. He never misses any little investment you sincerely make today, and never fails to reward you tomorrow.

Warming-up 듣기

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Writing 듣기


저의 학력, 경력, 그리고 성격 모든 면에서 귀사의 마케팅 보조직에 제가 최적화된 조건을 가지고 있다고 생각합니다


I am well qualified for the marketing assistance position with my education, experience, and character. 


저를 채용해 주시면 (저는) 일을 첫날부터 충실히 수행해 자신이 있습니다


I can do the work well enough from the day one if you hire me for the position.


(저는) 저를 고려해 주셔서 감사합니다


Thank you for considering me.



혹시 다른 필요한 것이 있으면 언제든 연락주십시오. (저는) 긍정적인 답변을 기다리고 있겠습니다


Please, contact me anytime if you need any more information. I will be waiting for a good news from you.




Thank you. 

I appreciate. 


Listening 듣기

A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and ate itOther seed fell on rocky ground, where it did not have much soil, and soon it sprang up. And when the sun rose, it was scorched, and since it had no rootit withered away. (마가복음 43-6)




미국인 친구 사귀기 관련 비디오

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