- 설문조사 결과 (40명 응답)
- 1:1 친구 맺기: 거의 모두
- 문법 공부에 대한 요청: 14명
- 1:1 성경공부: 11명
- 영어 성경 독해: 11명
- 문법과 영어성경 리딩을 통합한 클래스를 10/16 개강
- 참여와 홍보 바람
- 일단 같은 클래스룸에서
- 토요일에 공개강좌를 진행할 계획
Things don’t always work out the way you’d like.
Derek Redmond was favored to medal in the Olympic 400 meter sprint.
150 meters into the race, Derek felt a searing pain.
In agony, he fell to the ground with a torn hamstring.
Not willing to give up determined to finish the race, he continued.
Breaking through security, a man came to Derek’s side.
It was his father.
“You don’t have to do this,” he told his son.
“Yes, I do,” he replied.
Well, then, we’re going to finish this together!”
Shortly before the finish line, Dereck’s father let him go to complete his race,
receiving a standing ovation from a crowd of 65,000.
When you don’t give up,
you cannot fail.
A Good Friend
- There are many times in life when we are too weary to go on by ourselves.
- Then, we need someone to be with us, soothe us, and encourage us.
- That is a good friend. Whether it be your family, your teacher, or your pastor, it is a good friend.
- Do you have such a friend? Have you found one? Who is it for you?
If you haven’t found one, I am willing to be one for you.
(강의 마지막 부분이 녹음이 되지 않았습니다.)
- 그는 매일 그녀에게 사랑한다고 말한다.
- He says that he loves her everyday.
- He said that he loved her (everyday).
- He will say that he loves her ….
- 미래의 경우에는 현재형이 미래를 대신합니다.
- … that he will love her 가 아닙니다.
- 사람들은 그의 말이 사실이라고 믿지 않는다.
- People don’t believe (that) his word(=statement) is true.
- People didn’t believe (that) his word was true.
- People will not believe that his word is true.
- 동물들은 자연재해가 일어날 것을 미리 안다.
- Animals know ahead (of time) (=foreknow) when natural disasters come.
- Animals knew ahead when natural disasters would come.
- Animals will know ahead when natural disasters come.
- 사람들은 행복하게 사는 것이 가장 중요하다고 생각하지만, 많은 사람들이 현재 행복하게 살고 있다고 생각하지 않는다.
- People think (that) it is the most important to live happy, but many people don’t think (that) they live happy.
- People thought it was the most important to live happy, but many people didn’t think (that) they lived happy.
- People will think it is the most important to live happy, but many people don’t think (that) they live happy.
- 집안에 있는 사람은 날씨가 따뜻하다고 느끼고, 집밖에 있는 사람은 춥다고 느낀다.
- People in the house feel (that) it is warm, and people outside the house feel (that) it is cold.
- People in the house felt (that) it was warm, and people outside the house felt (that) it was cold.
- People in the house will feel (that) it is warm, and people outside the house will fill (that) it is cold.
- 도로 건너에 서있던 남자가 차를 좀 태워줄 수 있냐고 내게 묻는다.
- The man standing across the street asks me if I can ride him (=if I can give him a ride).
- The man standing across the street asked me if I could ride him.
- The man standing across the street will ask me if I can ride him.
- 조동사가 있는 경우에는, 조동사는 그대로 써준다고 생각하면 되겠습니다. 조동사는 미래를 의미할 수 있다고 생각해도 무방합니다.
번호 | 제목 | 글쓴이 | 날짜 | 조회 수 |
공지 | 2022년 봄학기 개강 안내 | 장민구 | 2022.01.07 | 785 |
28 | 리딩 문법 교실 제3강 | 장민구 | 2019.11.01 | 247 |
27 | 제19강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.10.31 | 381 |
26 | 제18강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.10.26 | 311 |
25 | 리딩/문법 강의 제2강 | 장민구 | 2019.10.25 | 312 |
24 | 제17강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.10.24 | 305 |
23 | 제16강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.10.19 | 546 |
22 | 제1강 리딩 문법 강의 | 장민구 | 2019.10.18 | 646 |
21 | 제15강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.10.17 | 1476 |
» | 제14강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.10.11 | 409 |
19 | 제13강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.10.09 | 403 |
18 | 블루트리 독해/문법 교실 개강 (칼럼: 애매한 영어실력 어찌하나 (2)) | 장민구 | 2019.10.05 | 392 |
17 | 제12강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.10.04 | 492 |
16 | 제11강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.10.02 | 357 |
15 | 제10강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.09.27 | 495 |
14 | 제9강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.09.25 | 727 |
13 | 제8강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.09.21 | 375 |
12 | 제7강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.09.18 | 416 |
11 | 제6강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.09.14 | 346 |
10 | 17일 화요일 점심 참석 여부 (뷰포드 올리브 가든) | 장민구 | 2019.09.13 | 391 |
9 | 제5강 강의자료 | 장민구 | 2019.09.11 | 343 |