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Sermon on the Mount----Which Reward To Choose? (Matthew 6:1-18)

by 장민구 posted Jun 19, 2017


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In the previous section, Matthew 5:38-48, Jesus commanded to love as he does which seems so hard that some people say that it is impossible for any human to carry it out. In the current section, Matthew 6:1-18, he talks about righteousness. It is not a concept that is easy to explain. He adopts the idea of reward to help us to have the idea of it.


There are two kinds of rewards: one from men and the other from God. Which oen to choose to seek after determines the life of the person. As one seeks after the reward from God with all heart, his life is righteus. Therefore, which reward to choose to seek determines between righteousness and wickedness.


As one has set his mind on the reward from God, the eternal salvation, he can overcome the difficulties to carry out the commandment of Jesus. This way God enables us to follow Jesus even through the narrow and tough road. 




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